Please play the game at 1080p. I initially optimised most UI screens to work at any resolution, but there are some UI sections that will not work properly. (Eg Treasure pickup and Gameover screens)


Hi there. My group wasn't able to attend the showcase because my group is just one person, and I'm doing an exchange at Kyoto University that started last week. I wasn't able to get any comments so hearing your thoughts on it would be great. (itch comments are fine)

I spent most of the development time creating modular tools that would let me quickly iterate a bunch of weapons, planning to have 20-30 weapons. Unfortunately moving houses, setting up for university, finishing directed studies, and attending the F1 GP has taken up my last three weeks for when I planned to make the actual content.

Almost all of the weapons, player attack animations, and variations of the base enemy were created from scratch last night, which goes to show how modular everything is in the game. I'm quite happy with how the system turned out, I just needed a bit more time.

--Better tutorial--

The tutorial was finished early in development, and doesn't mention some controls that were added in later. It also lacks some details in explaining what the game is about and how the reloading works:

Tab - Open/close minimap

WASD/Arrow Keys - Move

Hold space - Use a Dash (Releasing space ends the dash early)

J - Light attack

K - Heavy attack

L - Ranged attack

Treasure chest: To select an item, press J for the Left, K for middle, L for Right

The mouse does nothing ingame, it only to navigates the main menu.

Debug controls I've left in the game for testplaying: 1/2/3 - Generate a random new weapons for a weapon slot.

--Reloading System--

When you attack with a weapon, it consumes energy and it becomes exhausted. Weapons that are exhausted cannot be used until after you finish a reload. Weapons cannot be used if you don't have enough energy to use it.

You will automatically start to reload after not attacking for a few seconds.

When your energy reaches its maximum, all of your weapon's exhaust will be reset.


Tired of having to manage your inventory? Core Surge is a top-down 2D fighter loosely based on Baldr Sky and Enter the Gungeon where your goal is to collect as many weapons as possible in order to become stronger.


Download 96 MB

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